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© 2006 Bavarian Soundwerks, LLC.
2195 Defoor Hills Rd., Suite D, Atlanta, GA 30318
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Let’s address each bullet point:
No Sound from Speaker
One of three things is most likely happening, and they are listed in order of most common
1. Wiring on plug-n-play connector is misaligned.
Here we want to check for alignment of wires from their factory plug through the BSW
Do they line up?
If so, was the factory speaker working prior to replacing the speaker?
Go ahead and plug the factory speaker back in to confirm operation. If the factory speaker
works, and the wires in the plug are aligned, the speaker is defective. We need to get you
a new speaker!
If not, let us guide you to the proper connections.
Remember, on our wires, the Red
Stripe is positive, while the solid black is negative, while on the BMW side of the plug that
following holds true:
Black Stripes, Red Stripes, White Stripes, Purple Stripes are Positive.
Solid wires are negative, as are wires with Brown Stripes or Grey Stripes.
2. Check to make sure that no speaker terminal is touching metal. This can cause the
speaker to not function, as it is effectively grounded (shorted) out. This is very common,
especially in E46 vehicles front mid bass installations.
If you find that this was the case, place electrical tape over the terminals to prevent future
mishaps. If the entire system has no sound after the installation of new speakers, we
almost know for sure that there is a speaker whose terminals are grounded out. Let’s
check the most likely culprits, (E46 mid bass drivers) by disconnecting each speaker until
the music comes back on and we’ve isolated the problem speaker.
3. The Factory Speaker did not work either. If this was the case, and you were trying to fix
the problem by purchasing new speakers, we may need to look at the factory amplifier, as
it is most likely the culprit. Is the entire side (left front, right rear, right front, left rear) not
working, or is it a particular speaker that was not working. Most likely it was a single
speaker. If an entire side is not working, make sure, especially on the tweeters that you
just installed, that neither the positive or negative terminals are touching metal. This can
contribute to an entire side (channel) not working properly.
Distorted Sound coming from new Speaker
Again, a few things come to mind:
1. Where are the bass/treble settings on the radio/EQ? Flatten out the settings to ensure
no pre-amp distortion is the cause of the problem. If you’re using the radio to test the
speakers, go ahead and use a CD or directly connected iPod instead.
2. Speaker terminals may be touching ground (metal). Where is the distortion coming
from? A single speaker, an entire side (channel), or the entire system? Its best at this
point to go back and disconnect each speaker until the distortion goes away. The
most likely culprit is the E46 front midbass connections.
3. The factory speaker was distorted as well. If a single speaker was distorting, the most
likely culprit is the amplifier. We may need to explore replacing/repairing your factory
Lack of Bass Response:
A common occurrence when a mid bass speaker is wired “out of phase”. This means that the
positive (+) and negative (-) are backwards on the plug and play connections. Here we’ll want
to check alignment of the connectors as they come together between the speaker and the