Sailing yacht “Bavaria 40vision”
Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH
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Stainless steel
The corrosion resistance of all fittings is based on their ability to constitute a thin skin together with the air
occident, which makes a positive electrical potential. Specialists call it a CR-passive (CR is standing for
chrome).But chrome is in the galvanic contact series negative and a bit less valuable than iron. If the thin
protection skin is be damaged the stainless CR will be active and less good than pure chrome. The corrosion
can start.
Who is not disappointed about little brown spots on the fittings? They are caused by flying rust or particles
of iron, which are in the air and in all harbours placed near big towns. As soon as the flying rust settles onto
the protective coat of the stainless steel, it destroys the CR-passivity aggressively and fast.
Stainless steel only stays good looking for a long time, if there’s taken good care of it.
Make it your habit, too also clean the rail stanchions, pulpits and push pits and all stainless fittings
thoroughly too if you are washing your boat with clear water. Clear water will wash away the salt, rust and
flying rust, the protective coat will be "ventilated" and it’s function is guaranteed again.
If you have already brown spots, you can use most of all available metal cleanings to take care of the
stainless steel fittings or you take normal polish like you use it for the hull.
Of course – all the best care can not help, if in the first place the fittings are not made out of the right
material or the stainless steel has not been treated correct. Before you will buy the fitting, ask for example if
the fitting has been polished electrical.
4.2 Wearing- and spare parts
As an experienced skipper you will not have difficulties in getting original spare parts. If you need any help,
please contact the yard.
If you need any spare parts but cannot get the original ones you have to pay attention to the stability values to
keep the yacht at the high technical standard it used to have at the time of delivery.
4.3 Repair work
Repairs at the hull (polyester full laminate and polyester sandwich laminate) can be implemented by a
reliable workshop considering the general rules for the processing of polyester resin. The interior
construction was designed in such a way that a non-destructive elimination of defects can be realised. In
regard to the technical equipment you may contact a reliable workshop or your dealer, too.
4.4 Winter storage
We have already given some well-directed advice on winter storage in different paragraphs of this manual.
Generally speaking all firms offering winter storage should meet the latest technological standard as far as
environmental conditions, storage blocks, fire protection and accessibility of your yacht is concerned.
Moreover there should be fixed rules for work, done by the owner himself, to prevent any interference with
other sportsmen.
If possible the following objects should be taken from board and stored in a dry and frost-free place:
Ship’s papers and other relevant documents
Charts, books and instruments
Mattresses, upholstery, blankets and sleeping bags
Sails and lines/ropes
Gas cylinders
Safety equipment
Life raft and rubber dinghy