background image


Wearing restriCtions





2 for Astigmatism 

(balafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses 

described in this booklet should be removed from 

your eyes for routine cleaning and disinfecting 

as prescribed by your eye care professional. 


extended wear, once the lenses are removed, 

your eyes should have a rest without lens wear 

for at least one overnight, as recommended 

by your eye care professional. 

Your eye care 

professional will tell you how long to rest your eyes in 

between wearing periods and will also recommend 

a replacement period and appropriate lens care 



(reasons not to use)





2 for 

Astigmatism (balafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact 

Lenses when any of the following conditions exist:
•   Acute and subacute inflammation or infection of 

the anterior chamber of the eye

•   Any eye disease, injury, or abnormality that affects 

the cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelids

•   Severe insufficiency of lacrimal secretion (dry eyes)
•   Corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity)
•   Any systemic disease that may affect the eye or be 

exaggerated by wearing contact lenses

•   Allergic reactions of ocular surfaces or adnexa 

(surrounding tissue) that may be induced or 

exaggerated by wearing contact lenses or use of 

contact lens solutions

•   Allergy to any ingredient, such as mercury or 

Thimerosal, in a solution which is to be used to care 

for Lomb




2 for Astigmatism 

(balafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses

•   Any active corneal infection (bacterial, fungal, or 


•  If eyes become red or irritated


You should be aware of and fully discuss with your eye 

care professional the following warnings pertaining to 

contact lens wear:
•   Problems with contact lenses and lens care 

products could result in 

serious injury

 to your 

eye. It is essential that you follow your eye care 

professional’s direction and all labeling instructions 

for proper use of lenses and lens care products, 

including the lens case. Eye problems, including 

corneal ulcers, can develop rapidly and lead to 


of vision.

•  Strict compliance with your lens care regimen 

including cleaning of the lens case, wearing 

restrictions, wearing schedule, and follow-up visit 

schedule must be followed. 

•  Studies have shown that contact lens wearers who 

are smokers have a higher incidence of adverse 

reactions than nonsmokers.

eXtended Wear:

•  The risk of microbial keratitis has been shown to be 

greater among users of continuous wear contact 

lenses than among users of daily wear contact 


Some researchers believe that these complications 

are caused by one or more of the following: a 

weakening of the cornea’s resistance to infections, 

particularly during a closed-eye condition, as 

a result of hypoxia; an eye environment which 

is somewhat more conducive to the growth of 

bacteria and other microorganisms, particularly 

when a regular periodic lens removal and 

disinfecting or disposal schedule has not 

been adhered to by the patient; improper 

lens disinfection or cleaning by the patient; 

contamination of lens care products; poor personal 

hygiene by the patient; patient unsuitability to the 

particular lens or wearing schedule; accumulation 

of lens deposits; damage to the lens; improper 

fitting; length of wearing time; and the presence of 

ocular debris or environmental contaminants. 
While the great majority of patients successfully 

wear contact lenses, continuous wear of lenses also 

is reported to be associated with a higher incidence 

and degree of epithelial microcysts and infiltrates, 

and endothelial polymegathism, which require 

consideration of discontinuation or restriction of 

continuous wear. The epithelial conditions are 

reversible upon discontinuation of continuous wear.

The long term risk of microbial keratitis has 

not been determined for this lens. A post-

approval study with average follow-up of 15 

months has been completed.

•  The reversibility of endothelial effects of contact 

lens wear has not been conclusively established. 

As a result, practitioners’ views of continuous 

wearing times vary from not prescribing continuous 

wear at all to prescribing flexible wearing times 

from occasional overnight wear to prescribing 

continuous wearing periods from 1 to 30 days 

with specified intervals of no lens wear for certain 

patients, with follow-up visits, and with proper care 


•   If you experience eye discomfort, excessive 

tearing, vision changes, or redness of the eye, you 


immediately remove lenses

 and promptly 

contact your eye care professional.

Содержание PuerVision2

Страница 1: ...b Incorporated 1400 North Goodman Street Rochester New York USA 14609 8129102 ATTENTION Read and save the enclosed information Store lenses at room temperature 60 F 80 F 15 C 25 C CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET ...

Страница 2: ...enses Cleaning Rinsing Disinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 8 SoakingandStoringYourLenses 8 RubandRinseTime 8 LensCaseCare 8 WaterActivity 9 DiscardDateonSolutionBottle 9 BasicInstructions 9 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 9 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 9 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 10 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 10 Emergencies 10 LensCareProductChart 10 I...

Страница 3: ...visitsto youreyecareprofessionalarealsonecessaryforthe properandsafeuseofcontactlenses Itisimportanttonotwearyourlenseslonger thanrecommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional sincedoingsoincreasestheriskofadverse effects Spacesareprovidedinthebackofthisbooklet foryoutorecordyourpersonalwearingschedule andscheduleoffollow upvisits Softcontactlenses generallyarecomfortablefromthebeginning Therefore besureto...

Страница 4: ...enscase wearing restrictions wearingschedule andfollow upvisit schedulemustbefollowed Studieshaveshownthatcontactlenswearerswho aresmokershaveahigherincidenceofadverse reactionsthannonsmokers EXTENDED WEAR Theriskofmicrobialkeratitishasbeenshowntobe greateramongusersofcontinuouswearcontact lensesthanamongusersofdailywearcontact lenses Someresearchersbelievethatthesecomplications arecausedbyoneormo...

Страница 5: ...bediscardedafterthetimespecifiedinthelabeling directions Alwayskeepthelensescompletelyimmersedin therecommendedstoragesolutionwhenlenses arenotbeingworn stored Prolongedperiods ofdryingwilldamagelenses Followthelenscare directionsforCareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lensiflenssurfacedoesbecomedriedout Donotusesalivaoranythingotherthanthe recommendedsolutionforlubricatingorwetting lenses Tapwater distill...

Страница 6: ...ombPureVision balafilconA VisibilityTintedContactLenswhichhasthesame lensmaterial butdifferentlensdesign Thesestudies wereconductedwithsubjectsnotrequiringastigmatic correction PRE APPROVAL EXTENDED WEAR STUDY STUDY DESCRIPTION A12 monthclinicalstudyoftheBausch Lomb PureVision balafilconA VisibilityTintedContact Lensesshowedthelensissafeandeffectiveforvision correctionforupto30daysofcontinuouswear...

Страница 7: ...nto contactwiththelensesandinterferewithsuccessful wearing Handleyourlenseswithyourfingertips andbe carefultoavoidcontactwithfingernails Itishelpful tokeepyourfingernailsshortandsmooth Startoffcorrectlybygettingintothehabitofalways usingproperhygienicproceduressothatthey becomeautomatic 2 Handling the Lenses Developthehabitofalwaysworkingwiththesame lensfirsttoavoidmixups Removethelensfromitsstora...

Страница 8: ...e willtellyouifthelensisinthecorrect position Lookupandslowlypulldownyour lowerlidwiththemiddlefingerofyourremoval handandplaceyourindexfingeronthelower edgeofthelens Squeezethelenslightly betweenthethumbandindexfingerandremove it Avoidstickingtheedgesofthelenstogether c Removetheotherlensbyfollowingthesame procedure d Followtherequiredlenscareprocedures describedundertheheading CARINGFOR YOURLENS...

Страница 9: ...n Youreyecareprofessionalshouldinstruct youaboutappropriateandadequateprocedures andproductsforyouruse andprovideyouwitha copyofthesePatientInstructionsforBausch Lomb PureVision 2forAstigmatism balafilconA Visibility TintedContactLenses 1 SOAKING and storing your lenses InstructionsforUse Useonlyfreshcontactlensdisinfectingsolutioneach timeyousoak store yourlenses WARNING Donotreuseor topoff oldso...

Страница 10: ...n mucus andfilmfrom thelenssurface Followtheinstructionsprovided inthecleaningsolutionlabeling Putthatlensinto thecorrectchamberofthelensstoragecase Then repeattheprocedureforthesecondlens Aftercleaning andrinsing disinfectlenses usingthesystemrecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Followtheinstructionsprovidedinthe disinfectionsolutionlabeling Tostorelenses disinfectandleavetheminthe closed unopen...

Страница 11: ...eyesthatyour contactlensesmovefreely Ifalenssticks stops moving putafewdropsofthelubricatingorrewetting solutionrecommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional intoyoureye Donotuseplainwateroranythingother thantherecommendedsolutions Donotattemptto removealensthatissticking whichcoulddamage youreye Ifthelensdoesnotbegintomovewhenyou blinkafterseveralapplicationsofthesolutionordrops contactyoureyecareprofessi...

Страница 12: ...atnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscusswithyoureyecare professionalhavingadditionalcontactlenses prescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebinocularvisionis required Ifyourequireverysharpnearvisionduring prolongedclosework youmaywanttohave additionalcontactlensesprescribedsothatboth eyesarecorrectedfornearwhensharpnear binocularvisionisrequired Somemonovisionpatientsrequir...

Страница 13: ...yecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethespacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...

Страница 14: ...te Time 6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 7 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 _________________...

Страница 15: ... betweenthecorneaandiris Cornea Clear frontcoveringoftheeye Conjunctiva Membranethatlinestheeyelidsandthewhitepartoftheeye Cornealulcer Asoreorlesiononthecornea whichleftuntreatedcouldleadtopermanentloss ofvision Microbialkeratitis Aninfectedcornealulcer Hypoxia Lackofoxygen Epithelial Layerofcellsonthesurfaceofthecornea Epithelialmicrocysts Asmallabnormalstructure cyst inthefrontsurfaceoftheeye E...

Страница 16: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated All rights reserved worldwide TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates Other product brand names are trademarks of their respective owners ...
