TAM 00682
DSC 045-100
07 / 2012
Three-phase synchronous motor
9 Appendix
In addition to the previous chapters for water-cooled motors (EN 60034-6; IC 3W7) the following
must be considered complementary:
Definitions of power ratings for water-cooled machines
The power ratings (torques) that appear in the list apply to permanent operation S1 at nominal
speed, provided the cooling circuit requirements for water-cooled motors are met!
The reduction factors included in the table below must be considered when operating these motors
with higher coolant inlet temperatures:
Coolant inlet temperature
25 °C
30 °C
35 °C
40 °C
45 °C
Percentage of list performance (torque)
100 %
97 %
95 %
92 %
89 %
Table 6:
Reduction factors
The cooling system for these water-cooled motors is in stainless steel.
The two water connections (inlet and outlet) on the NDE are supplied as standard with a stainless
steel tube Ø8 x 1 without extra termination systems.
The coolant (in accordance with the coolant properties specified in
Section 9.6
) is permitted to
contain corrosion inhibitors and anti-bacterial additives. The type and volume of these additives is
based on the respective manufacturer’s recommendations and the prevailing ambient conditions.
The safety regulations for the product from the manufacturer of the corrosion inhibitors
and anti-bacterial additives must be observed.
Cooling lubricants employed in the manufacturing process are not allowed to be used
to cool the motor!
To prevent blockages and deposits in the coolant pipes and channels, coolants used
in closed or open cooling circuits must be filtered. When used in a closed cooling
circuit, the coolant must be filered before it is poured in, in open cooling circuit
basically (filter fineness: < 0.1 mm).
The system manufacturer is responsible for the planning of the cooling circuit.
Condensed water must not be allowed to accumulate.