1300 886 649
Model: ASPBU-1019 Product Code: 12741 10/2019
Download App
Search and download ‘TuyaSmart’ from the App Store or Google Play.
Alternatively you can scan the QR code below to download the App.
The first time you use the TuyaSmart app, you need to register a Tuya account
using your email address.
1. Click ‘Register’ to go to the Smart Life privacy policy page. Click ‘Agree’ to
proceed to the registration page.
2. The system will automatically identify the country/region you are in, or you
can choose to manually select a country/region. Enter your mobile phone
number or email address and click ‘Get authentication code’.
3. Enter the authentication code you received. Then enter the password and
click ‘Completed’ to complete registration.
iOS App Store
Google Play Store
Installation And Setup