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For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.
Item 64483
General Operating instructions
1. Make sure that the Trigger is in the
off-position, then attach the Battery Pack.
2. To prevent Cable from whipping, place
Drain Cleaner within 6 inches of drain line.
This will keep Cable from hazardously
“whipping” when activating the Drain Cleaner.
Make sure rotation Switch is in forward
position, with the arrow pointing
towards the cable pressed in.
nOticE: the backward position of the rotation
Switch must OnLy be used momentarily to relieve
cable tension.
if it is used for even just a few seconds in a row,
the cable may be permanently damaged. LEaVE
FEED HanDLE in nEutraL pOSitiOn. While in the
backward position, the cable movement from
the Feed Handle would be reversed as well.
4. With the Drain Cleaner off, pull the
Cable out of Drum with both gloved
hands and feed into the drain. Gradually
work the Cable at least 12" into the drain.
5. Squeeze Trigger and press Feed Handle forward
to continue feeding Cable into the drain.
6. As you feed Cable, you may feel and see
Cable slow down and/or start to wind or load up
(a “twisting” or “squirming” motion). This may
indicate a change in drain line (such as a drain trap,
elbow, etc.), a build up in the drain (mud or grease),
or the actual blockage. Continue to slowly feed
the Cable until the Cable reaches the blockage.
WarninG! Do not allow cable to build up outside
drain. this can cause cable to twist, kink or break.
7. If the Cable becomes lodged in a narrow part of
the drain or in a drain trap, allow the Cable to try
and work itself past the obstruction. If Cable still
won’t pass obstruction, release the Trigger and use
sharp downward thrusts to try and pass obstruction.
Once Cable is past, squeeze the Trigger and
press Feed Handle forward to continue feeding.
8. To retract Cable,
keep rotation Switch in forward
and pull Feed Handle backwards.
9. To prevent accidents, turn off the tool, dry your
hands, and remove the Battery Pack after use.
Clean the Cable (see below), then store
the tool indoors out of children’s reach.
rotation Switch controls rotation of drum only. DO nOt uSE rOtatiOn SWitcH in
BacKWarD (rEVErSE) pOSitiOn WHiLE rEMOVinG caBLE FrOM Drain/pipE. use reverse
direction only momentarily for relieving pressure or untangling cable from a blockage.
Warranty void if cable damaged from allowing motor to twist excessively against blockage,
or if drum is run in reverse long enough to untwist cable.