it to the pressure gauge pipe. Open the appliance gas supply valve, check the pressure output, and
close the valve. Remove the pressure gauge pipe and screw the screws correctly into the pressure
outlet. The pressure valve has to be within the minimum and maximum values shown in the table
If the pressure measured is not within the limits shown in the table, find out the cause. After solving
the problem, check the pressure again.
Checking the appliance power
Normally it is sufficient to check that the nozzles installed are the right ones and that the burners
function properly. If desired, it is possible to check the power absorbed by using the “Volumetric
Method”, measuring the volume of gas output supplied to the appliance in time units with the aid of
a chronometer and a counter. The right comparison volume [
], measured in litres per hour (l/h) or
in litres per minute (l/min), can be obtained using the formula shown below dividing the nominal and
minimum outputs (power) shown in the table of burner features by the lowest heat capacity of the gas
type pre-arranged for the appliance. This value can be found in the norm tables or can be provided by
the local gas supply company.
The reading has to be done when the appliance is already in function.
Checking pilot burner
Check the flame of the pilot burner, which must be neither too short nor too high but must lap the
thermocouple and have a sharp form; otherwise, it is necessary to check the size of the nozzle
depending on the pilot version, as specified in the following paragraphs.
Checking regulation of primary air
All the main burners are provided with primary air regulation. It is necessary to carry out the check
observing the values shown in the air regulation column of the burner features tables. In order to
regulate the primary air, proceed as specified in the following paragraphs.
ATTENTION! All the parts protected and sealed by manufacturer can not be regulated by the
installer if not specifically indicated.
ATTENTION! Before doing any kind of maintenance or repairs, make sure that the appliance
is disconnected from the electric mains and that the gas cut-off valve is closed.
The following maintenance operations have to be carried out at least once a year by specialized
personnel. It is advisable to have a maintenance contract.
Check for correct functioning of all control and safety devices;
Check for correct ignition of burners and proper functioning at minimum;
Check the tightness of the gas pipes;
Check the condition of the power cable;
Heat capacity
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