Operating Instruction
25 / 40
Before cooking/roasting, heat the appliance up to the temperature higher
than the intended cooking/roasting temperature by 20-25%. After reaching
the pre-heating temperature, the appliance may be loaded.
The temperature should then be reduced to the temperature provided for
the preparation of the dish.
Prior t o firs t operation, cl ean the appli anc e and its equi pment ac cor ding t o i nstr ucti ons in
sect ion 6 'Cl eaning'
. Make sur e no water enters el ectric i nst allation and connec t
ion box. N astępni e dokł adni e osus z yć urz ądz enie i el ementy wypos aż eni a.
Setzen Sie di e Boden-Abdec kung in das Bec ken ei n. T he c over acts as a spac er bet ween t he heating element and l eft- over f ood tray.
Caref ull y i nser t t he c onnection box wit h the heati ng element at t he bac k edge of t he applianc e. A pin in bott om par t of t he c onnecti on box must ent er a hol e i n t he mai n applia nc e. This way t he connec tion box is properly mount ed.
Preparation of the Appliance
1. Before starting-up, clean the appliance inside and outside, as well as
accessories, observing indications in section 6
2. Thoroughly dry all cleaned surfaces and elements.
3. Before the first start-up, check the correctness of installation, stability, and
levelling of the appliance, as well as execution of all connections.