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Outputs for the test coil and temperature sensor are presently only available with the
DecaPSU Power Supply Unit. See
Test Coil
for information on test coil operation.
For further information on power supplies see
Power Supplies
For information on using your own power supply or data acquisition unit see AN0042: ‘Connecting your
own Power Supply to a Bartington Magnetic Field Sensor’, available from Bartington Instruments.
Although the Mag-13 is singled-ended, the cable connecting it to the power supply has a signal
ground for each axis. The configuration of the cable pin out for the Mag-13 on the power supply
side will require the power supply/signal conditioning unit to be set to the balanced mode to
operate the Mag-13 correctly.
For the Spectramag and Mag-03DAM data acquisition units, an adaptor cable will be required.
This cable must be used despite the connector of the original cable being compatible with the
power supplies.
The Mag-13 sensor will not function correctly if plugged directly into a
Spectramag-6 or Mag-03DAM without the use of an adaptor cable.
7. Cables and Connectors
7.1. Cables
Cables are available to connect the range of Mag-13 sensors to the range of suitable Bartington
Instruments power supply and data acquisition units. Specifications for each of the cables are
given in the product brochure.
Cables must be ordered separately.
Customers manufacturing their own cables must ensure the cables are shielded to
prevent them picking up EM (electromagnetic) interference.
7.2. Mating Connectors
For information on suitable mating connectors refer to the product datasheet.
8. Mounting
The range of compatible mounting accessories are shown in the product brochure.