Note that the Test Equipment entry should correspond to the type of coil used. The *.tef
file in the System path should be the same file name as the .tef file which will be described shortly.
The Device and Aux path should equally be identical to the file described below. All these files
should be located in c:/Bartington/ folder.
The next file *.tef can be equally created in notepad.
*.tef (the file name should be either HC1, HC2, HC9 or HC16.tef depending on the coil
Maximum Sample Rate = 5.4
Maximum Coil Field = 2.000000E-4 (this will vary based on coils
see table at the end of the file)
Test Equipment = "HC2" (use the same name as the .tef file name, and the test equipment entry
in the test equipment status.tsf file)
DAC Sample Rate Multiplier = 4.0
Device Serial Port = "COM9"
X Coil Trim Factor = 7.3 (the 3 Coil trim factor figure will change for each coil
see table
Y Coil Trim Factor = 6.3
Z Coil Trim Factor = 7.3
X Signal Trim In Y = 0.0
X Signal Trim In Z = 0.0
Y Signal Trim In X = 0.0
Y Signal Trim In Z = 0.0
Z Signal Trim In X = 0.0
Z Signal Trim In Y = 0.0
X Ref Cal Factor = 1.0
Y Ref Cal Factor = 1.0
Z Ref Cal Factor = 1.0
X Mon Cal Factor = 1.000000E-4
Y Mon Cal Factor = 1.000000E-4
Z Mon Cal Factor = 1.000000E-4
X pK-pK input Scale = 1.0
Y pK-pK input Scale = 1.0