4.1 Preparing the SB for field use
Before entering in details about the WebUI (Web User Interface), the configuration of the SB for a
monitoring session is explained.
It is recommended to set-up the MR3000SB in the office for the use in the field. Depending on the
measurement task, you may consider the different power options. It is recommended to erase any
obsolete files on the SD card before you use the SB for a specific measurement. Moreover, it is
also recommended to collect all the data once the measurement is finished.
Be sure that the fuse (F1) is off when the SB is not in the monitoring phase (for example during
transportation). You will switch on the device when you will start to use the MR3000SB.
Initial settings
For the vibration monitoring of a structure, several SB are necessary, depending on the structure
dimension and typology. Please contact
AC power is normally available at all the sites, and the internal battery ensures monitoring
continuity if power is lost. Otherwise, the DC version can be used to connect external power
sources, like solar panels.
First make sure to enable communication with MR3000SB before installation in the field. For this
reason, please follow what has been described in chapter 3.1. To access the device firmware, it is
possible to connect the personal laptop directly to the device or to the nearest Ethernet switch.
Successively, the communication with the unit is needed, for example to change the trigger level or
to adjust the alarm scheme (e.g. add a person to the contacts or change a threshold level).
In case all the SB are connected on the same local network, it is advisable to assign an IP address
to each device. Since the default IP address is for every MR3000SB, you need to
change it for every SB, except one, which can remain with the default address. It is important to
change only the last number of the address to remain in the same sub-domain. For example, valid
addresses are:
Wrong addresses are:
To do that, first set up a valid IP address on the LAN port of your laptop/PC, as in Figure 4.1.1.
Then, connect one SB to a switch, change the address, disconnect the device and then connect a
new device to the switch and repeat the procedure (see Figure 4.1.2).