Pred priključitvijo elektromotorja na omrežje je
potrebno preveriti:
ali podatki na napisni tablici ustrezajo napetosti
in frekvenci omrežja
ali protieksplozijska zaščita motorja ustreza za
okolje v katerem bo motor obratoval (skupina
plinov in temperaturni razred).
ali je instalacija (cevna ali kabelska) korektno
Elektromotorji se vrtijo desno, če fazne vodnike L1,
L2, L3, priključimo na priključke U, V, W, (1U,
1V, 1W, oziroma U1, V1, W1). Spremembo smeri
vrtenja dosežemo z zamenjavo priključnih mest
dveh dovodnih faznih vodnikov.
Naslednji element se nahajajo na številkah:
10 – 11 ali 12 – 13:
PTC termistor
14 – 15:
odpirajoč (normalno zaprt kontakt)
16 – 17:
zapirajoč (normalno odprt kontakt)
temperaturne senzorje (PTC termistor DIN 44081).
Odklopna naprava s katero so povezani, mora biti
odobrena in nositi ustrezno oznako pooblaščene Ex
institucije. Odklopna naprava ni eksplozijsko varna
in mora biti instalirana zunaj eksplozijsko zunaj
eksplozijsko nevarnega območja (ali vgrajena v
atestiranem eksplozijsko varnem ohišju). Oznaka
ustreznosti služi le za potrditev skladnosti
električnih veličin v povezavi s temperaturnimi
senzorji in dovoljuje uporabo odobrene odklopne
naprave v povezavi s PTC senzorji, ki ustrezajo
zahtevam DIN 44081 za termično zaščito
eksplozijsko varnih elektro naprav.
Grelci so priključeni na sponke 30 – 31 ali 32 – 33.
Motorji z vgrajenimi grelci so označeni z dodatno
tablico z imenskimi podatki grelnega sistema ali pa
so ti podatki vključeni na tablici s podatki motorja.
Krmiljenje mora zagotoviti, da napetost ni istočasno
priključena na grelce in priključne sponke
Priključek kabelskih žil na skoznike mora biti
izveden posebej pazljivo. Izolacija kabelske žile naj
bo čim bližje priključnemu mestu, vse žice
finožičnatih žil pa morajo biti vpete na priključnem
Moment privitja priključkov na priključni blok ne
sme presegati 7,5 Nm.
The following items must be checked before the
electric motor can be connected to the mains power
- that the data on the label correspond to voltage and
frequency of the power supply,
- that the explosion protection indicated corresponds
to the environment the electric motor will be
operated in (gas group, temperature class),
- that the installation (pipes or cables) is carried out
The electric motors rotate clockwise when the phase
conductors L1, L2 and L3 are connected to the
terminals U,V,W (1U,1V,1W or U1,V1,W1). The
direction may be changed by confusing the
terminals of two phase conductors.
The following elements are connected to the
12 – 13 PTC 145°C built in
14 – 15
Thermostats NC (normally closed
16 – 17 Thermostats NO (normally open contact)
The motors are equipped with temperature detectors
(PTC thermistor DIN 44081 - ….). These
temperature detectors are to be connected to a
tripping unit with one of Ex Notified Bodies mark
of conformity. The tripping unit is not protected
against explosions and must therefore be installed
outside of the hazardous area. The mark of
conformity serves merely to confirm the adherence
to the electrical data at the interface between the
temperature detector circuit and the tripping device
and to allow the application of both the tripping
device with mark of conformity and the PTC
contacts according to DIN 44081 for the thermal
control of explosion-proof electric machines.
The space heaters are mounted to the terminals 30 –
31 (230V) or 32-33 (110V). Motors with space
heaters are marked with an additional label
indicating the nominal data of the heating system.
The electric control unit must make sure that the
nominal motor voltage and the heater voltage are
not present simultaneously.
Take particular care over the connection of the cable
cores to the terminal board. The insulation of the
cable cores should be close to the terminal, all wires
of the flexible cores must be clamped to the
Содержание 4KTCR 250
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