RDG603A20 - Issue 10
Page 87 of 100
Decomposition Temperature
Not determined.
89.4 cSt @ 40°C
Explosive properties
Not considered to be explosive.
Explosive under the influence
Not considered to be explosive.
of a flame
Oxidising properties
The mixture itself has not been tested but none of the ingredient substances meet the criteria
for classification as oxidising.
9.2. Other information
Volatile organic compound The product is a complex mixture, the majority of which would not be classed as a VOC.
However it cannot be discounted that trace or low levels of VOC's may be present.
SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity
10.1. Reactivity
Reactivity There are no known reactivity hazards associated with this product.
10.2. Chemical stability
Stability Stable at normal ambient temperatures and when used as recommended.
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions
Possibility of hazardous
Unlikely to occur under normal conditions of use. Unlikely to occur.
10.4. Conditions to avoid
Conditions to avoid
Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition.
10.5. Incompatible materials
Materials to avoid
Strong oxidising agents.
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
Hazardous decomposition
Oxides of carbon. Oxides of nitrogen.
SECTION 11: Toxicological information
11.1. Information on toxicological effects
Acute toxicity
– oral
Notes (oral LD
Not expected to be highly toxic based on information of ingredients. Based on available data
the classification criteria are not met.
Acute toxicity
– dermal
Notes (dermal LD
Not expected to be highly toxic based on information of ingredients. Based on available data
the classification criteria are not met.
Acute toxicity
– inhalation
Notes (inhalation LC
Not determined. The product is unlikely to present any significant inhalation hazard at ambient
temperatures and under normal conditions of use.
Serious eye damage/irritation
Serious eye damage/irritation
May cause mild, short lasting discomfort to eyes.
Respiratory sensitisation
Respiratory sensitisation
No evidence to suggest the product will be a respiratory sensitiser. Repeated exposure to oil
mists may cause respiratory damage.
Skin sensitisation
Skin sensitisation
Not expected to be a skin sensitizer based on information on components.