Bit Error Rate (BER) threshold
Golay threshold
This option sets the value of the BER threshold used in the BER testing routine.
The value can be set in the range 0 to 48.
BER testing is a method of error detection for ALE word transmission. ALE stations send
and receive ALE link controlling information in blocks of data called ALE words. An ALE
word consists of a 3-bit preamble and a 21-bit data field.
The result of BER error testing is used as part of the decision process to determine if an
ALE link can be established using the current channel.
The higher the BER value of a transmitted ALE word, the greater the error. A BER value of
0 indicates perfect reception of an ALE word. The maximum BER value of 48 indicates that
all bits of the ALE word were bad.
If a received ALE word contains more errors than the BER Threshold, the ALE processor
rejects the word.
This option sets the value of the Golay threshold used in Golay testing.
Golay testing is an additional method of error detection for ALE word transmission. The
result of the Golay testing is used as another part of the decision process to determine if an
ALE link can be established using the current channel.
The higher the Golay value calculated for a received ALE word, the greater the error.
The value can be set between 0 and 4.