2.1.3 Using digital input with a sensor
There are thousands of sensors on the market, e.g. like motion detector,
optical sensors (photoelectric switch), humidity detector, magnetic contact
switch, float switch, .....
In the picture below is used a powered contact sensor on the Barionet, here
is a wiring diagram of this sensor:
The blue and the brown cable are the power cables
of the sensor. In this case the Barionet50 (pin 1+2
of J10) is powering the sensor.
The signal wire of the sensor is connected to input
1 of the Barionet.
, before doing that make sure the sensor can handle the same
power as the Barionet is using and your PSU is providing enough power for
Ba sensor! The sensor can be powered externally also, in this case it
could make sense to use the same ground as reference for the input signal.
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