1 Introduction
1.1 About “Barionet”
The Barionet is a network PLC (programmable logic controller). It offers
hardware interfaces to connect sensors, switches, devices (e.g.: serial
RS232 / RS485, 1-wire and Wiegand) and many IOs to connect switches or
sensors or devices. Beside that the Barionet offers Control interfaces (e.g.
TCP, UDP, HTTP/CGI, SNMP, Modbus/TCP) and the BCL programming
interface to control IOs or communicate to his connected equipment. The
Barionet is very universal and has excellent communication capabilities.
1.2 About this manual
Beside this guide is also a complete product manual existing. This guide is
more focused on some little exercise how to use the IO and the other
interfaces practically. It describes procedures on a very low level, so that also
Barionet beginners and users with limited electrical or IT-knowledge can
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