Proven Barco technology
The TL display family features proven, proprietary Barco tech-
nology which has made Barco's rugged displays so successful
over the past decade in many naval, landbased and airborne
programs worldwide.
Automatic Phase Adjust (APA)
The APA technology, which is especially effective for high-
resolution displays like the TL-361, helps to avoid image arti-
facts like pixel noise. The APA function automatically locks the
LCD sampling clock to the (drifting) graphics generator pixel
frequency. Drift can be caused by temperature changes, elec-
tromagnetic interference and other environmental factors.
Low latency
TL displays are configured to have the lowest possible impact
on system latency. Barco therefore reduces the internal image
processing delay to a minimum.
Extended dimming ratio
For many products, Barco uses in-house manufactured circuitry
to provide advanced dimming solutions.
Optional LCD Flicker Compensation
The TL displays can be equipped with Barco’s unique patented
LCD Flicker Compensation (LFC) solution, which allows opera-
tors to view acoustic sonar images or dense scrolling data
without distracting flicker effects.
Optional touch screen
Barco’s TL displays optionally come with high-performance
touch screen functionality. The display uses NextWindow opti-
cal touch technology, which has high touch accuracy and is
very resistant to dust or water. The touch screen allows fluent
drag and drop actions and can be operated with any available
stylus device. The touch screen technology has no impact
whatsoever on the TL display's optical performance.
By courtesy of Agusta Westland
Copyright U.S. Navy Michael Sandberg
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