(smallest outline)
The thin footprint of the TL series allows
easy integration into systems and plat-
forms where space is limited.
Barco’s TL-248 smallest outline version
is even
less than 1U deep.
The TL displays have an exceptionally
low weight in combination with a high
level of ruggedization. This allows for
major savings in applications where
weight is critical (e.g. airborne). Barco’s
TL-248 smallest outline version is even
only 6.5 kg (14.33 lbs)
Barco’s TL series is truly the most ver-
satile display solution around, in terms
of size, ruggedness and mountability.
Barco’s full family of thin and light-
weight displays, available in 19”, 20”
and 24”, has been designed and quali-
fied for application in the most hostile
environments. Three levels of rugge -
dization allow integrators to choose the
TL display that meets their specific pro-
gram requirements. All displays come
as a fully enclosed, drip-proof unit. The
two highest levels of ruggedization
include a front bonded optical stack and
integrated heaters for sub-zero opera-
With its amazing dimensions and full
range of mounting possibilities, Barco’s
TL display is fully tailored to integrator
needs and ready for integration into
practically any mounting configuration,
in any application and on any platform.
Even in harsh environments, Barco’s thin
and lightweight displays allow easy inter-
action with the display content. The
optional touch screen technology has
specifically been designed for military
applications and does not compromise
on image quality. The built-in On-Screen
Display functionality makes interaction
with the display even more user-friendly.
Best price/performance value
The TL series provides the best price/
performance value on the market,
allowing integrators to develop very
competitive visualization solutions for
their customers at a cost which is fully
in line with their program requirements.
A different view on rugged display technology
TL_family_8pg:- 03-06-2008 12:05 Pagina 4