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background image R599850 - May 2005

Barco Projection Systems is an ISO 9001 registered company.

The information and data given are typical for the equipment described. 

However any individual item is subject to change without any notice. 

The latest version of this product sheet can be found on

Barco Media & Entertainment

Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne - Belgium

Tel. +32 56 36 80 47 - Fax +32 56 36 83 86

e-mail: [email protected]

Eurovision Project Manager, 

Ola Melzig

of Spectra Stage & Events

Technologies comments: 

“Eurovision Song Contest is a complex

project which requires the dedication and commitment of many
parties to make it happen. Working with industry professionals
like Barco and Massteknik made the process a lot easier. We are
very happy with the end result. This was the most spectacular
and technical advanced Eurovision Song Contest ever!”

Eurovision Lighting Designer Per Sundin of Spectra has previously
worked with Ingmar Bergman in the film industry.

“Barco is very proud to have so much of its equipment used on
this major event. This is a perfect occasion for the brand new
OLite to make its public debut! As recognized technology pioneer
in the events industry, Barco’s commitment to the evolution of
the industry goes much further than simply delivering
technology. We continue to work closely with our partners and
creative, and our aim remains to drive the industry forward and
enable creatives to realize their striking designs,”

states Barco’s

Steve Scorse

, VP Sales & Customer Service, Barco Media &


Massteknik CEO

Kenneth Paterson


“Massteknik is proud to

be the chosen visualization equipment supplier to Eurovision Song
Contest. This is a major project that required a huge amount of
equipment. Our substantial rental fleet enabled us to deliver what
the client required.”

Facts and Figures

• 4 operators needed a total of 41 days to program the light and 

video for this show.

• 2 graphic designers worked around the clock for 6 weeks to 

make the digital content for the show.

• 21 000 kg was the total weight for video and lighting cables.
• 2 weeks build-up time was needed for the set, including light, 

sound and video

• 32 people were needed to just run video and lighting effects 

for the show.

• 8 different nationalities were represented in the lighting & 

video crew

Overview Barco equipment at 2005 Song Contest

• 5504 modules Barco OLite 10, equals 86 Barco OLite tiles
• 280 tiles Barco ILite 8
• 2 Barco XLM H25
• 3 Barco ELM R18
• 2 Barco SLM R12+
• 3 Barco SLM R10

Key people

Project Manager:

Ola Melzig, Spectra


Lighting Designer:

Per Sundin, Spectra

Creative content:

Peppe Tannemyr, Beacon Gobogroup


Rental Company:

Massteknik (

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