Break the mold
Redefine the imaging landscape, challenge conventions and be
bold! Don’t let yesterday’s technology limit you: use the modularity
of OLite to unleash your creativity.
The OLite is supplied as a ready to use LED tile. However, each tile
breaks down into discrete modules. These modules are connected to
a common control unit, also mounted inside the tile structure, by
means of four cable strings, each providing power and signal to 16
modules (for OLite 510) or 12 modules (for OLite 612).
The modules can also be used outside of the tile structure. This concept
has proven to be very attractive to show designers who are looking to
move beyond the use of video as pure image magnification (IMAG).
The modularity of the OLite system allows designers to integrate LED
screen technology in set designs, to create screens of any shape and
size, to let the video flow over surfaces and truly harmonize with the
overall visual concept.
The new OLite 612 incorporates a revolutionary new shader design
which vastly improves the contrast levels.
The shader, with its radically new geometric design combined with
specially selected dark black, matt materials minimizes the amount of
light reflecting back toward the audience. This results in much deeper
black levels especially in broad daylight. The lense, which has been
optically darkened to hide the white of the LED, further improves the
all-important black levels.
When combined with the high brightness output level of 6000 NITs
(calibrated), the OLite 612 now delivers vastly improved contrast levels.
Radically new shader design
delivers vastly improved contrast
OLite is now available in two versions: the OLite 510 and
the OLite 612.
Both products have been developed for use in both indoor
and outdoor applications; however each has its own strength. The
OLite 510, with its higher resolution and shorter shader is probably a
better choice for those rental companies who have a proportionately
higher amount of indoor jobs.
The OLite 612, with its increased brightness (6000NITs) and new shader design which
delivers much greater black levels and contrast would be a preferred option for rental companies
who have proportionately more outdoor work.
More robust shaders
Light-traps deliver
improved contrast levels
Which OLite product is best for me?
BR OLite series E july06 20-07-2006 15:39 Pagina 3