Renault - Italdesign - Pharmacia - Cineca -
ELF - Volvo - General Motors - Italdesign -
National Center for Atmospheric Research -
Center for Human Simulation - SGI - EDS -
Boeing - AGIP - University of Vienna - Lancia
- Schlumberger - Volkswagen - PSA -
University of Munster - Fraunhofer Institut -
Skoda - Cineca - University of Tokyo - FIAT -
SAIC - Pininfarina - Adler Planetarium -
Conoco - US Army - Brown University - Alfa
Romeo - World Expo Hanover 2000 -
University of Tubingen - Sanofi - University
of Mississippi - Avantis Pharma - Stola
Group - University of Osaka - Matsushita
Sonatrach HMD - Digital Earth - University
of Illinois - Naval Undersea Warfare Center -
NASA Ames Research Center - BMW - Maui
High Performance Computing Center -
Brookhaven National Laboratory ...
BARCO Simulation Products
A Business Unit of BARCO Projection Systems
US Headquarters:
600 Bellbrook Ave.
Xenia, OH 45385
Phone +1 (937) 372 7579 • Fax +1 (937) 372 8645
E-mail: [email protected]
European Headquarters:
Noordlaan 5 8520 Kuurne, Belgium
Phone +32 56 36 82 11 • Fax +32 56 36 84 86
E-mail: [email protected]
• Expertise in all aspects
that create and impact
stereo image quality
• Global experience in a
wide variety of
demanding V&AR
Ref. n°
R5994301 - June 2002 - Ptinted in Belgium
BARCO Projection Systems
is an ISO 9001 registered
The information and data given are typical for the
equipment described. However any individual
item is subject to change without any notice.
Barco Simulation Products develops high-performance visual display
systems for flight simulators, ship bridge simulators, Air Traffic Control,
mission rehearsal simulators and entertainment applications. Active on a
worldwide scale – with main offices in Kuurne (Belgium) and Xenia
(Ohio, US) – Barco Simulation Products has gained an international
reputation for its customer-driven application engineering and
projection system optimization know-how.
In Virtual and Augmented Reality Highest
Added Value for Optimal Return on
Investment has a Name: BARCO
Barco’s Virtual & Augmented Reality (V&AR) division offers a wide range
of high-end solutions for 3D stereo and multi-screen applications,
ranging from curved-screen reality centers and multi-channel
™, to immersive virtual environments such as the M
VE™ and
the I-S
™. These top-of-the-line V&AR solutions are developed and
manufactured for a variety of markets, such as Automotive, Oil&Gas,
Military, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Edutainment and Engineering.
US headquarters at Xenia, Ohio
European headquarters at Kuurne, Belgium
DLP™ technology by Texas Instruments offers
crystal clear images with superior quality.
DLP, Digital Light Processing, DMD, Digital
Micromirror Device are trademarks of Texas
Stereobrochure 02-06-2003 15:40 Pagina 14