FAQ & Troubleshooting
Q: Why won’t my machine heat up?
A: Please follow all instructions listed above. Check to make sure the machine is plugged in and the outlet
is in working order. Check that the main switch is in the “on” position and the light on the main switch is
illuminated. Check the main fuse in the front of the unit – replace accordingly. Ensure the heating element
is in working condition.
Q: Why is my cap leaking pressure?
A: Make sure there is an adequate amount of water in the unit. Note the pressure on the unit when the
water is leaking. The machine should never go above the 70-75 PSI range. If the pressure is appropriate
and water is still leaking, the gaskets or cap may need to be replaced. It is recommended to replace the cap
once a year.
Q: Why is steam leaking out the nozzle?
A: Steam will leak out of the nozzle if the valve is damaged or obstructed with something which is
preventing it from forming a proper seal. Typically, this debris may be easily removed by attempting a
blow-back procedure. This procedure involves shooting compressed air back into the machine in order to
dislodge anything which may be hindering the valve closure:
Only attempt this exercise when the machine is cold.
Open the filling cap on the top of the machine.
Turn the machine on. (Attempt this before the machine heats up)
Shoot compressed air from the nozzle of the steam gun back into the machine while simultaneously
holding down the trigger on the gun.
Q: Why is the water level indictor not lighting up when there is water in the unit?
A: The water level sensor functions upon the conductivity of the water in the boiler. After repetitive use of
distilled water, the conduction may be insufficient to properly maintain the sensors function. We
recommend using a one-time regular tap water refill if you are experiencing this issue.
Limited Warranty Information
Bar Instruments warrants that all laboratory equipment sold to its customers if of the highest quality
materials and workmanship. Bar Instruments will attempt a resolution any defects to its units or
components, limited to either a repair or a replacement of confirmed defects or a refund will be issued
according to the purchased price.
The warranty period is two years from the purchase date and is extended only to the original owner. Bar
Instruments will honor the warranty if the machine is deemed to have been used reasonably and maintained
properly. Negligence and abuse to the machine will void the warranty. Wearable items such as but not
limited to: gaskets, bulbs, filling caps, filters, accessories, etc. are not covered under warranty. The first year
of the warranty covers both parts and labor. The second year of the warranty covers labor only. All other
warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are
excluded. All consequential and incidental damages are also excluded.
Written notices of claimed defects must be received by Bar Instruments within a reasonable time after their
discovery and not to exceed two years from date of purchase.
All repairs will be made in the Bar Instruments facilities.
Equipment being sent for repair is to be shipped at owners’ expense in its original packaging and insured