WXG-4 Manual Polarimeter
Recording the Reference Point
2.1 Place an empty test tube into the sample chamber.
2.2 Rotate vernier knob until the visual field appears uniform brightness. Record the measured value.
Filling the Sample Solution
3.1 Take out the test tube from sample chamber. Unscrew the cap, remove the sealing ring and glass disc.
3.2 Rinse the test tube thoroughly with distilled water.
3.3 Pour sample solution into the test tube, then screw on the test tube cap. Wipe away the drops of water on glass disc.
3.4 If necessary, collect all air bubbles into the bubble trap.
4.1 Open the lid of polarimeter, place the test tube into the sample chamber. Note, the bubble trap is upward.
4.2 Close the lid, clockwise or anticlockwise rotate vernier knob until the visual field appears uniform brightness. Record the measured value.
4.4 Repeat the above measurements 2 times and calculate the average of measured values.
If the measured values are positive angle (Dextrorotatory substance), minus the value of the reference point shall be the actual measured value of the
substance. If the measured values are negative angle (Levorotatory substance), minus the 180
shall be the actual value of the substance.
Bubble Trap