Robust. Reliable. Secure.
The SureCross network uses a Frequency
Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) methodology in
either the 900 MHz frequency band or 2.4 GHz
frequency band. FHSS architecture periodically
“hops” in a random sequence from frequency to
frequency. This technique not only prevents
interference from competing RF signals, it also
enhances security. Multiple user-selectable hop
codes are easily configured by setting the Network
ID using a convenient rotary switch. FHSS innovation
also enables multiple SureCross networks to coexist
within range of one another.
To further ensure reliable communications,
SureCross uses Cyclical Redundancy Checking (CRC)
of both data message acknowledgement and data
error checking to verify message receipt and data
integrity. If the Gateway does not accurately
receive a data packet, the Node resends that
packet until a transmission is successful. Finally,
communication is enhanced through TDMA,
ensuring each Node a time slot for transmission.
. Powerful Capabilities. Sophisticated Functionality.
Tests Signal Integrity Locally.
Every SureCross network includes an embedded Site Survey
feature. The Site Survey which is conducted between the Gateway
and each Node, is a fast, simple and reliable way to ensure that
every device is installed for optimal RF performance. Signal results
are displayed in a red, green, yellow and missed format. Identified
using a flashing LED of the corresponding color and an alpha
character on the LCD screen, green, yellow and red indicate
successful data transmission. No flashing LED and an M on the
LCD indicates a missed packet has occurred and the data was not
received successfully on the first transmission. The message is
resent until it is received successfully.
= Excellent
= Good
= Marginal
= Data not received on the first transmission
A )
B )
C )
D )
E )
F )
( G
( H
( I
( J
( K
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com