The Versatile, Robust Wireless Network
Designed for Process Applications.
Monitoring and control in processing applications are limited only by
imagination. From tank levels to line pressure, from temperature to voltage—
anywhere along the line, the versatile SureCross™ Wireless Network can be deployed,
scaled and redeployed. Adding new Nodes or establishing multiple networks
within the same environment is turnkey. Bidirectional transmission with reliable
performance capabilities make SureCross the first robust wireless network suited for
a host of process applications.
The SureCross Wireless Network features a configurable default output condition
that defines what happens if the system loses the RF signal. This unique network
characteristic lets you define how all outputs on the network respond to a communication
interruption or failure. The network can automatically return to normal operational
status as the RF link is re-established.
A SureCross Gateway can be positioned as a repeater to increase the transmission
range. Data can be consolidated and monitored from a central location, enhancing
production decision-making and response.
Wireless Monitoring Retrofit in a Pre-Certified Facility
New regulations in a pharmaceutical production facility stipulate the
liquid level of all fluids must be closely monitored and logged. SureCross
Nodes with
Power™ and Banner U-GAGE® QT50U analog sensors
quickly and easily facilitate this monitoring requirement without new
construction and hardwiring.
Motor Temperature Monitoring and Control
Monitoring motor temperature in a high-friction application is controlled by
a line-powered SureCross Node and a Banner T-GAGE® temperature sensor.
The SureCross Gateway transmits operational conditions to the plant control
room using a digital output related to temperature setpoints within the
sensor. The motor is powered down or up based on these temperatures.
Monitoring of Rotating Equipment
The SureCross wireless network eliminates complexities associated with
data acquisition from rotating and moving machinery such as a rotating
kiln. Crucial temperature data is acquired using a thermocouple and
transmitted from the
Powered SureCross Nodes to a remote Gateway
in the plant’s control center. Excessive heat triggers an alarm. Data is
always concentrated in the same location for processing or analysis, and
physical risks to personnel are eliminated.
Remote and Tank Farm Monitoring
Monitoring levels, pressure, flow rates or temperatures from difficult-to-
access platforms, towers and large tank farms has historically been a
significant challenge. Today,
Powered SureCross Wireless Nodes
equipped with low-powered sensors can monitor and acquire data
remotely, overcoming logistical hurdles and eliminating risk to personnel.
Process Control and Monitoring
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ●