AV Album™ & Player
This is a translation based on the Chinese version User Guide, subject to its originality.
All rights reserved 2005, Lucas Industries Limited
Operation in Playing Photo mode
Use the Arrow buttons (No. 17 buttons in the previous paragraph of Remote
(i) Forward/Backward of photo display, the Above (
) will get the previous photo
whereas the Below (V) will get the next photo.
(ii) Rotating the photo display, press the Left (<) to rotate the photo to the left and
press the Right (>) to rotate the photo to the right.
Back to Selection of Card mode: press “ESC” button (No. 18 button in previous
paragraph in the Remote Control) or the “MENU” button (No. 2 button in previous
paragraph in the Remote Control).
Enlargement feature
Press “Zoom+” button (No 6 button in the previous paragraph of Remote Control)
to enlarge the size of photo, and press “Zoom-“ button (No. 8 button in the previous
paragraph of Remote Control) for the original size of it.
Under enlargement environment, using the Arrow buttons (No. 17 buttons in the
previous paragraph of Remote Control), the Above(
)/Below(V)/Left(<) /Right (>)
can move the direction of the photo.
Repeat photo playing
Press the “Slide Show” button, (No. 4 button in the previous paragraph of Remote
Control. The screen will start to play the first level of photo from the present
selection of photos if the collection is more than 9 items. Interval gap time between
AV Album™ & Player
This is a translation based on the Chinese version User Guide, subject to its originality.
All rights reserved 2005, Lucas Industries Limited
each photo may be adjusted within the setting mode by 3 types, fast/normal/slow.
Press “ESC” will return to the Photo playing mode. During the Repeat playing, the
selection of photos tasks, such as scroll the photos by pressing the Arrow buttons
(No. 17 buttons in the previous paragraph of Remote Control) will become not
Deletion of photos
Highlighting the specific photo, press “DEL” button, (No. 15 button in the previous
paragraph of Remote Control). Selected photo will bear a mark ‘DEL’. Such action
can be repeated by this for deleting more photos. When the selection is completed,
press “ESC” and then “Enter”. The deletion is so processed. If press ‘ESC’ twice,
the deletion task will be abandoned.
Entering the photo Slide Show mode
Press the “Slide Show” button, (No. 4 button in the previous paragraph of Remote
Control. The screen will start to play the first level of photo from the present
selection of photos if the collection is more than 9 items.
Video Preview mode:
Entering into video preview mode, press the Photo/AVI button (No. 1 button in the
previous paragraph of Remote Control) until the screen shows the preview mode of
the video as illustrative here under by the diagram