Technical data • Complete system
Chapter 2
Technical data
Power Panel 500 user's manual V1.40
2.4 Serial number sticker
A unique serial number sticker with a barcode (Code 128) is affixed to each B&R device for identification purposes.
This serial number represents all of the components built into the system (model number, name, revision, serial
number and order number).
Sticker listing installed components
and serial number sticker for the
System unit
Serial number sticker for the
complete system
Figure 5: Serial number sticker
This information can also be found on the B&R website by entering the serial number of the complete system in
the search field tab (after selecting the "Serial number" option) at the top of the website (
The search provides a detailed list of installed components.
Switching to the option
"Serial number"
Serial number entered here
e.g. B4CB0168438
List of installed
components shown after
Searching for a serial number
Figure 6: Searching for a serial number