Commissioning and operation • Faults during operation
Chapter 6
Commissioning and operation
8JSA user's manual V1.00
3.2 To verify during commissioning
During commissioning, check the following:
The functionality of all the motor's components and assemblies (e.g. protective equipment, encoder, brake,
cooling, gearbox, etc.) has been verified.
The operating conditions (see chapter "Installation conditions") are observed.
The holding brake, if present, is released.
All electrical attachments and connections are properly designed and secured.
All protective measures have been implemented in order to prevent contact with voltage-carrying compo-
nents, hot surfaces and rotating or moving parts and assemblies. Also check whether these protective
measures are working properly.
All output elements have been installed and set up in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Measures are in place to ensure that the maximum permissible speed n
of the motor cannot be exceeded.
The maximum permissible speed n
is the maximum speed that is permissible for short-time duty.
3.3 During operation
During operation, be aware of the following signs that can indicate a malfunction:
Unusual noises
Unusual vibrations
Unusual odors
Smoke generation
Unusual temperature development
Increased power consumption
Lubricant outlet
The monitoring or safety device responds
If possible, switch off the machine as soon as possible in order to avoid damage or accidents. Always ensure the
safety of other persons as well as your own safety during shutdowns and causal investigation!
In the case of shutdowns, please inform the responsible qualified personnel immediately.
4 Faults during operation
In the following table, you can find possible causes of error broken down by malfunction as well as information
about how to fix them.
Possible cause
Controller enable missing
Activate controller enable
Controller error, encoder error
Read error listing on inverter/controller, correct error
Check the connector to ensure it is connected correctly (see
chapter "Installation and connection", section "Ensure proper
Power supply not present
Check connection and power supply
Check the connector to ensure it is connected correctly (see
chapter "Installation and connection", section "Ensure proper
Rotating field
Check phase sequence, replace connection line if necessary
Brake will not release
Check triggering, connections and power supply
Motor will not start
Brake defective
If necessary, contact B&R.
Insufficient shielding in connection lines
Check shielding connection and grounding
Runs noisily
Controller parameters too high
Optimize controller parameters
Coupling element or machine not properly balanced
Adjust balance
Power transmission system misaligned
Realign power transmission system
Mounting screws loose
Check and tighten screw connections
Foreign bodies in the motor
If necessary, contact B&R.
Noise during operation
Bearing damage
If necessary, contact B&R.
Power transmission system overloaded
Check motor load and compare with data on nameplate
Insufficient heat dissipation
Ensure sufficient heat dissipation.
The motor becomes too warm - the
temperature monitoring responds
Brake not releasing sufficiently, causing friction
If necessary, contact B&R.
Current consumption too high - mo-
tor torque too low
Rest angle is incorrect
Check rest angle and adjust as needed