X20 system modules • Other functions • X20CM4810
X20 system User's Manual 3.10
RequestBufferLock01 or RequestDataLock01:
Function model 0 - Standard and Function model 1 - Fast master:
RequestBufferLock01 can be used to lock all buffers and parameters on the X20CM4810 module. When the
bit is set to 1, all buffers (raw data and FFT) are locked starting at the beginning of the next measurement.
Before a buffer can be uploaded, all data on the X20CM4810 must be locked.
The characteristic values associated with the locked buffers are transferred in the FlatStream characteristic
values as soon as BufferLockValid01 = 1.
Since the measurement is universal, the parameters associated with the buffers are only trans-
ferred once.
Function model 2 - Slow master and Function model 254 - Bus controller:
RequestDataLock01 can be used to lock all parameters on the X20CM4810 module. When the bit is set
to 1, then a consistent version of all measurement values is retained until the next measurement. Once all
data on the module has been locked, all the calculated characteristic values can be read asynchronously
from the module.
Data on the X20CM4810 is only locked once the BufferLockValid01 or DataLockValid01 bit has been set
in the status register ("Status01").
Once the data has been uploaded, the RequestBufferLock01 or RequestDataLock01 bit can be reset to 0.
Once BufferLockValid01 or DataLockValid01 in the status register ("Status01") has returned to 0, the data
one the module is no longer locked.
The module doesn't permit another freeze until the channel's buffer has been filled with the maximum buffer
length. The buffer length depends on "MaxFrequencyRaw01" and "MaxFrequencyEnvelope01".
An edge on MinMaxUpdate01 updates all asynchronous minimum and maximum values. A new cycle then
starts internally to generate the minimum and maximum values that are again copied to the acyclic registers
on the next edge. Once an edge has been reached, the current minimum and maximum values can be read
asynchronously in the next X2X cycle. The "MinMaxCounter01" register specifies how many measurement
cycles were analyzed with minimum and maximum mapping. The minimum/maximum values themselves
are only valid if the counter has a value other than 0. DataConsistentWithLockedBuffers01
If the data buffers on the module are locked to prevent uploading, this bit is used to indicate the time at which all
characteristic values and frequency bands are consistent with the locked buffers on the module.
This register is only available in Function model 0 - Standard. DataToggleBit01
This bit changes its value whenever new characteristic values are loaded from the module and updated (approx-
imately every 300 ms).
It is only available in Function model 0 - Standard. HighFrequencyConfig01
Register for defining the envelope signal high-pass and the high-frequency characteristic value ("PeakHighFre-
quency" and "RmsHighFrequency") for the entire module.
Reserved = 0
High-pass configuration for the entire module
15 - 3
500 Hz
1000 Hz
2000 Hz
Table 750: HighFrequencyConfig01