Initial Pre-Flight Test And Start-Up
When the regulator is properly mounted and the regulator wiring is installed, the ARS-5 is ready for pre-flight testing. Be-
fore turning on the engine, it is advisable to check voltages at the following terminal connections to ensure that the wiring
is correct. Test #1 verifies proper voltage values with the regulator turned off. Test #2 verifies the expected voltages with
the regulator turned on.
Note: If the regulator’s BROWN ignition wire is receiving it’s switched source of voltage from an oil pressure switch, it may
be necessary to start the engine before applying test #2. If the engine must be run to accomplish test #2, be sure that
alternator is properly cabled on both positive and negative sides to the battery being charged. Failure to do so could result
in damage to the regulator and alternator.
Using your hand-held multi-meter, test the following wiring terminals for voltage:
TEST #1: Engine/Ignition Off
Primary RED Power Wire (Terminal #2) >12V
BROWN Ignition Wire (Terminal #3) 0V
Primary BLUE Field Wire (Terminal #4) 0V
TEST #2: Engine/Ignition On
Primary RED Power Wire (Terminal #2) >12V
BROWN Ignition Wire (Terminal #3) >12V
Primary BLUE Field Wire (Terminal #4) 4-12V
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Regulator Operation
The ARS-5 regulator’s microprocessor controlled charging system uses a sophisticated, multi-stage profile to deliver
optimal charging, while protecting the batteries from overcharging damage. When the regulator is first turned on, the pro-
cessor performs a quick one-second self diagnostic assessment. Following that diagnostic, the ARS-5 initiates a charge
program as follows:
Start Delay - Factory set at one second. Can be user-adjusted to a maximum of 999 seconds in the regulator’s ad-
vanced programming mode. See Advanced Programming section for adjustment instructions.
Soft Ramp - Gently increases voltage to bulk preset levels based on battery program selected.
Bulk Charge - The most aggressive of the charging stages. Voltage is held at a pre-set level, specified by battery
program selected, for a set time period. Factory-set bulk time is 18 minutes. Adjustable in 1/10-hour increments.
Calculated Bulk Charge - Holds voltage at bulk level for six minutes, then calculates system condition by comparing
existing voltage, time at voltage, and field percentage to target values. If values are met, the regulator advances to
the next stage. If values are not met, the regulator continues to bulk charge and compares real-time to target values.
The regulator will continually update calculations
until all values are met.
Ramps down to Absorption voltage.
Absorption Charge - Regulator continues to
control the alternator’s output voltage for an ad-
ditional 18 minutes at approximately 2/10-volts
below bulk charging voltage. Adjustable in 1/10-
hour increments.
Calculated Absorption Charge - Holds voltage at
absorption level for six minutes, then calculates
system condition bycomparing existing voltage, time at voltage, and field percentage to target values. If values are
met, the regulator advances to the next stage. If values are not met, the regulator extends the absorption charge
and compares real-time to target values. The regulator will continually update calculations until all values are met.
Ramp down to Float.
Float Charge - Regulator continues to control the alternator’s output voltage for an additional 18 minutes, typically at
one volt less than bulk voltage (based on battery program presets). After that initial fixed time period, the regulator
can respond to increased charging demand by cycling to absorption voltage. After 12 hours of continuous operation,
the regulator will automatically revert to absorption voltage through calculated absorption and back to float charging