Power Up
Several assumptions are made. These assumptions are:
The system setup section assumes that all wiring has been completed.
All power is still OFF.
The DIP switch AS1 located on the DBSC panel (Figure 3-1) is properly
The jumper at SB 601-609 is correctly set.
First Time Power Up
The following procedure is for the first time power up condition.
Disconnect the motor leads from X1-U, X1-V and X1-W. The initial
adjustments must be performed under a no load condition.
Control must be disabled (X3-9 input, Figure 3-3 switch OPEN or AS1-8
must be in the OFF position).
Measure the input line voltage at the power disconnect device and ensure
that it is the correct voltage.
Be sure a PC is connected to the serial communications interface (X6).
Install the software program on the PC hard disk drive as instructed in the
Software Manual.
Turn ON the input power to the control.
Power Up
Several assumptions are made. These assumptions are:
1. T h e system setup section assumes that all wiring has been completed.
2. A l l power is still OFF.
3. T h e DIP switch AS1 located on the DBSC panel (Figure 3-1) is properly
4. T h e jumper at SB 601-609 is correctly set.
First Time Power Up
The following procedure is for the first time power up condition.
1. Disconnect the motor leads from X1-U, X1-V and X1-W. The initial
adjustments must be performed under a no load condition.
2. C o n t r o l must be disabled (X3-9 input, Figure 3-3 switch OPEN or AS1-8
must be in the OFF position).
3. M e a s u r e the input line voltage at the power disconnect device and ensure
that it is the correct voltage.
4. B e sure a PC is connected to the serial communications interface (X6).
5. I n s t a l l the software program on the PC hard disk drive as instructed in the
Software Manual.
6. T u r n ON the input power to the control.
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