according to the arrow position before start to operate manually, and then try to turn the handwheel until the
switch handle gets 100% right place. Manual- electric mode switch is done at that time. Turn the handwheel to
begin manual operation. When electric operation is required, OPEN or CLOSE button can be pushed to make
the electric actuator in electric mode. For the deposition of manual-electric switch, refer to Fig.14.
Note: forbid to turn the switch handle forcefully to its electric mode position, which could
make the inner actuator damaged.
4.5 Manual operation mechanism: after finish switching the electric actuator into manual operation mode
and then begin to operate it manually. Manual operation mode of SMC-04 and SMC-03 is connected with
low-speed shaft. When in manual operation, turn the driving tubular shaft directly. Manual operation
mechanism is connected with high-speed shaft; while using it, manual operating by the handwheel through
worm gear shaft of reduction unit.
4.6 Torque control mechanism: it is used to control the electric actuator’s output torque. It is formed by two
parts which are worm gear, torque swing unit and torque switch unit.
Torque switch (hereafter referred as T.SW): when “Position Control” is selected, T.SW starts its protect
function. When “torque positioning” is closed, T.SW starts it control function.
4.7 Stroke control mechanism: it is used to control the valve’s end position and feedback valve’s contact
signal. It is composed of counter, middle transmission assembly, finger shape contact sheet seat and rotating
contact switch. The stroke control movement of SMC-04~2 starts from low-speed shaft(driving tubular
shaft). The limit control movement of SMC-3~5 starts from high-speed shaft(worm gear shaft).
Limit control mechanism of SMC series is also called “gear limit switch” (herein after referred as G·L·SW).
ng the electric actuator i
ng the electric actuato
ration mode of SMC-04
ation mode of SMC-
turn the driving tubular
rn the driving tubu
aft; while using it, manua
while using it, man
used to control the electric
o control the elec
swing unit and torque swi
g unit and torque sw
erred as T.SW): when “P
s T.SW): when
tioning” is closed, T.SW
oning” is closed, T.S