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The IMMFP03 and IMMFP03B Multi-Function Processor Mod-
ules are powerful and advanced INFI 90
processor modules
capable of handling the most demanding process control
applications. They are stand-alone controllers that can han-
dle specific control and information processing applications
in addition to multiple-loop analog, sequential, and batch
control. They have the power to execute demanding process
control applications that are data intensive, program inten-
sive or both. Because of the similarity of the IMMFP03 and
IMMFP03B Multi-Function Processor Modules, they are
referred to as IMMFP03 modules in this instruction. Differ-
ences are noted as they occur.
The INFI 90 system uses a variety of analog and digital I/O
modules to interface with the process. The multi-function
processor (MFP) module communicates with a maximum of
64 I/O modules in any combination (Fig.
). For added reli-
ability, the MFP module has circuitry that supports redun-
dancy. A backup MFP module waits in a standby mode while
the primary module executes. If the primary goes off-line for
any reason, there is a bumpless transfer of control to the
backup module.
Serial channels are available to the MFP module through the
use of an auxiliary I/O module that attaches to it. The
IMMPI01 Multi-Function Processor Interface Module gives the
MFP module access to an IISAC01 Analog Control Station
(SAC) or NDCS03 Digital Control Station (DCS) link, and two
serial ports.
Personnel installing, operating or maintaining the MFP mod-
ule should read this instruction before performing any instal-
lation, operation or maintenance procedures. Installation
requires an engineer or technician with experience handling
electronic circuitry. Formal training in INFI 90 systems and
configuration (especially function codes) would help when
configuring the MFP module.
The IMMFP03 Multi-Function Processor Module consists of a
circuit board and faceplate.
INFI 90 is a registered trademark of Elsag Bailey Process Automation.