1) Grainy spray.
Caused by paint being too thick.
Add thinner sparingly to the mixture and check the
needle and regulator tip for dried paint. Also check
the air supply to make sure airbrush is being operat-
ed at the proper pressure.
2) Buckling paper.
Paint may be too thin or you
may be applying paint in too heavy a coat.
3) Paint blobs at the ends of the stroke.
You are
spraying paint before moving your hand and stop-
ping the movements before shutting off the paint
4) Flared ends.
Caused by turning the wrist while
airbrushing. The whole forearm should move evenly
across the paper.
5) Centipedes.
Caused by spraying too much paint
too close to the paper. If a fine line is desired, lightly
pull back on the front trigger.
6) Splattering.
Caused by permitting the needle to
snap back into tip. Always release the trigger gently.
Check for dried paint on needle or tip. Also may be
caused by triggering, see page 2 for proper
7) Curved stroke.
Caused by arcing arm too close to
the paper. Arm should always be parallel to the
work, unless this effect is desired.
8) Bubbles through the color cup.
The spray regula-
tor might be turned out too far, or the head may be
loose. Check both and tighten if necessary.
9) Color spray cannot be shut off.
Tip may be
clogged. This is recognized by a “spongy” feel when
needle is set into tip. Remove the head from the air-
brush and clean the tip–see Maintenance and
Cleaning, page 3.
10) Pulsating.
This is caused by the head being
loose or the tip not seated properly. See page 3,
Replacing the Tip.
The only other reason that the brush may begin to
pulsate is if the needle bearing wears down or falls
out. There is a life-time warranty on this part
because the owner cannot replace this part. If this
occurs send back to factory for no-charge servic
Ready-To-Use Fabric Airbrush Colors
Choose from 20 regular plus 6 neon colors. All
colors are permanent, washable and colorfast. All
colors are non-toxic, intermixable and can
be used on a variety of materials.
Airbrush Holder
The Model 125 holds two airbrushes of almost any
make or model. It clamps securely to any drafting
table, desk or taboret edge (up to 2˝ thick) and
swivels for easy handling.
Airbrush Templates
These templates are laser cut for accuracy and
include both negative and positive shapes. These
templates are thinner, flexible, washable and durable.
They can be held in place with spray adhesive,
weights or magnets. The airbrush templates come in
a set of four 8-1/2˝ x 11˝ with varying sizes of
ellipses, circles and odd shapes.
Miniature Stencils
Laser cut for accuracy, these miniature stencils are
thin, washable and durable. Four stencils are includ-
ed in each package with numerous designs: zodiac,
starts, birds, hearts and teardrops, etc. Good for air-
brushing fingernails.
Cyclone I Model 180-1
Portable 1/12 HP oil-less diaphragm type compres-
sor has internal bleed allowing use of any make or
model airbrush. Develops .80 at 25 PSI.
Cyclone II Model 180-11
Same as above but with automatic shut-off. By
releasing the trigger of your airbrush, the compres-
sor automatically shuts off, until the trigger is
depressed again.
Silent Compressors
Badger has a complete line of silent, portable com-
pressors to meet the needs of the artist or hobbyist
who requires a quiet working environment. For more
information write for catalog BA2000.