Larger pieces of cooking wood tend to burn longer than smaller pieces, even if they are the
same variety. U
se seasoned (dried)
or another
, like walnut, ash or
Never Use Pine Or Resin Woods.
Small thin 2’’ to 3” pieces are best without bark if
possible. The bark flares up fast and creates smoke.
Pine or any resin-laden wood is a no-no!
Make a small pile of wood in the center of the oven with small pieces of dry wood and
kindling. Never Over Fire The Oven Use Small 2’’ Cuts Of Wood Let them ignite slowly a
few at a time with a natural fire starter. You can place the door on with it open slightly on
the right side so the fire can breathe.
Ensure the spark isolation net
is clean
without block for air cycling before making a fire.
When the wood is well-lit (with a pile of small embers) and the flames are dying down
move the fire to one side with your oven brush and paralegna -wood holder.
Tips you can push the smaller fire over first then the wood holder to keep it tight. Be sure it
stays lit (see our videos on our website.) then add a piece of wood at a time being sure they
ignite well before adding more. The wood may flare up so give it a few minutes before you
add more to see the flame heights. Keep the door slightly open to contain the smoke and
After 20 minutes of continuous burning, never excessive, a desirable temperature will
be reached lest say 600f. This will be the floor temperature. This is the moment the oven is
ready to be used. You can cook higher and or lower but the best way to cook is to practice
cooking. Wood fired ovens can get very hot and not be reflected on the thermometer.
True artisans know their oven and cook without thermometer readings! It’s about
practice and fire control, A digital laser gun is also a great tool for checking the floor
You are balancing top heat with floor heat. If your floor is too cold and the
flames are to big your pizza will cook on top and not the bottom. If your floor is
super-hot and the flames are low the bottom will burn. It’s always balance! So get the oven
floor hot first then let your fire die down.
I suggest you practice first with a few doughs with just sauce. See how she cooks, and learn to
move the pizza around! You need to learn the art and practice does make perfect pizza!