The Bacharach Flue-Gas Sample Conditioning System consists of the
following components:
• Probe with Peltier Cooler
• Condensate Pump with Water Trap
• Power Supply
The function of this system is to remove water vapor from the
sample, thus preventing the formation of water droplets inside the
probe hose. If water droplets were to form inside the hose, a por tion of
the gas sample could be ab sorbed by the water, thus resulting in lower-
than-actual read ings of NO
and SO
Water vapor is removed from the
ue-gas sample by passing the sam ple
through a Peltier Cooler where the sample is chilled, which in turn,
causes the water vapor contained in the gas sam ple to be removed from
the sample.
The water that was extracted from the gas sample is then pumped out
of the Peltier Cooler and into a water trap.
The now dry, conditioned
ue-gas sample is then sent to its as so ci at ed
com bus tion test equipment for analysis.
Product Leadership • Training • Service • Reliability
Figure 1. Flue-Gas Sample Conditioning System
Probe w/ Peltier Cooler
Power Supply
Instruction 0024-9415
Flue-Gas Sample
Conditioning System
P/N 0024-7224
Rev. 8 – May 2010
w/ Water Trap