Place at least one sensor pad under each baby.
Connect the sensor pads to the left and the right connection points of the control unit, to
identify the sensor pads for each baby. With the given “T” splitter you can also use two sensor
pads for each baby. Make sure that you use one “T” splitter for one baby.
” operation switch on - switch off
Turn off the BC-230i device
Press the button and hold it for at least 30 seconds, until the „S”-„E” sign display.
Release the button, then “1” and “2” appears continuously.
Press the button at “1” if you would like to have the device in single mode. Press the
button at “2” if you wish to have the twin mode.
It can happen that temporary the twin operation has to be switched off (e.g.: one of the baby is
taken out from the bed)
Then press the button.
The device is switched to single mode,
When you put the baby back the press the button again, this will switch back to “twins”
Test the “Twins” operation
Remove one of the baby from the bed
The alarm should sound
Medical Instructions
About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
"SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age which remains unexplained after
a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of
the death scene, and review of the clinical history."
(Dr. Marian Willinger, 1991.)
In a typical situation parents check on their supposedly sleeping infant to find him or her dead.
This is the worse tragedy parents can face, a tragedy which leaves them with sadness and a
feeling of vulnerability that lasts throughout their lives.