5. Getting started
5.1. Charge the battery
The B-Speech Pago is equipped with a internal rechargeable Lithium-
Polymer battery.
Plug in the charger into the USB port of the B-Speech Pago.
When the B-Speech Pago is charging, the red LED will light until it is
fully charged. After the charging process is completed, please discon-
nect the charger.
If the capacity of the batteries is low, you will hear "Battery Low“,
please charge" and the red LED will start to blink.
Please charge the battery for a minimum of 3-4 Hours before
using for the first time.
During operation of Pago, connecting the Charger or USB Cable will
cause system reset and switch off the Handsfree, to continue the ope-
ration, switch on the Pago, to transfer the speech from Mobile to
Pago, press the “Mode button “ for 1 second .
5.2. Power On/Off
To turn off your B-Speech Pago, press and hold the Multifunction but-
ton for at least 2 seconds until you hear "Power Off".
To turn on your B-Speech Pago, press and hold the Multifunction but-
ton for minimum 2 seconds until you hear "Power On".
5.3. Language Selection
After starting the B-Speech Pago, you can select your language.
Select your language ( English, German, Frensh, Spanish, Italian) by
pressing the Mode one time per Second. The language will be saved
5.4. Pairing
The B-Speech Pago and your mobile phone must be paired before
being used together. Turn on the B-Speech Pago and hold down the
Multifunction button for 6 more seconds, you will hear "Please pair
Bluetooth phone.
The blue and red LED will blink alternately, the B-Speech Pago is now
in pairing mode and can be found by your mobile phone.
Activate the Bluetooth function of your mobile phone and follow the
pairing procedure according to your handsets manual. The B-Speech
Pago will be found by your mobile phone. Choose "Pago" from the list
displayed on your mobile phone. If you are asked for a pairing code,
please enter
. After successful pairing, you will hear "Pairing
complete". If the pairing process fails, repeat the process. Once the
pairing process is completed, the B-Speech Pago is ready to use.
The B-Speech Pago will automatically try to connect to the mobile
phone. Once the connection is established you will hear "Connected
to" followed by your mobile phones pairing name.
Some Handsets needs to be connected after pairing and requi-
re authorisation. Please follow your handsets manual for these addi-
tional steps.
If the B-Speech Pago looses it´s connection to the mobile phone,
press the "Multi function button" to reestablish the connection.
5.5. Multi-connecting
The B-Speech Pago can be used by two mobile phones at the same
time by using the new multi-connecting technology. This is ideal for
users with more than one mobile phone.
5.5.1. Setting-up Multi-connection
To use the second phone, it is necessary to pair the second phone
and connect it with the B-Speech Pago. To pair the second phone,
please follow these steps:
Turn the B-Speech Pago off and on, hold down the multifunction but-
ton for 6 more seconds, Double click the multifunction button, the LED
will rapidly change between red and blue.
Pair the second mobile phone with Pago as described in Chapter 5.4.
To connect the Pago to both mobiles phones, please turn off and turn
on followed by a double click of "Multi function button".
During the first phone talking, once the second Mobile phone call
coming, press „VOL+“ and hold 2 seconds, to accept incoming call &
hold the first call active.
During the first phone talking, once the second Mobile phone call
coming, press „VOL-“ and hold 2 seconds to Accept incoming call &
end the first phone call.
During multi talking, you can single clik MFB, to end the talking call.
5.6. Volume control
To adjust the volume of the TTS voice output or active calls,
use the + or - buttons.
Shortly press + to increase the Volume ( a "Beep" signal will indicate
the Volume).
Shortly press - to decrease the Volume ( a "Beep" signal will indicate
the Volume).
5.7 Disable/Enable TTS
To turn off the Text announcement ( TTS ) Press and hold + and - at
the same time. You will hear two beeps and one final beep for confir-
mation. The Text announcement is switched off.
To turn on the Text announcement ( TTS ) Press and hold + and - at
the same time. You will hear two beeps and one final confirmation
beep. The Text announcement is switched on.
6. Menu
In order to enter to the next menu level please double click the
“Mode button
Phone book transfer
This function is not supported with all mobile phones, once the
Contact name can not be stored, you will hear the Caller´s Number.
The phone book of the B-Speech Pago, stores up to 300 numbers .
6.1 Automatic phone book transfer
pago_Manual_Backing.qxp 14.05.2010 12:09 Seite 4