8661 • Endovaginal Scanning
Endovaginal Scanning
Before endovaginal scanning, ensure the patient’s bladder is empty.
Smear a small amount of scanning gel over the tip of the transducer cover. This will ease
insertion and improve the screen images.
Puncture Facilities
Puncture and biopsy is possible with Type 8661. The puncture attachment is illustrated in
the following pages with a brief description of its use and operating instructions.
The use of probe sheaths during invasive applications is recommended.
For hygiene reasons, the transducer should be enclosed in a transducer cover or a standard
condom. When sterile conditions are required, cover the transducer with a sterile transducer
Puncture Attachment UA1242
This metal puncture attachment (see Fig. 3.) is intended for endovaginal puncture and
biopsy with Endovaginal Endfire Transducer Type 8661.
Fig. 3.
Puncture attachment UA1242
The puncture attachment consists of a swinging lock-arm and a needle guide with an inner
diameter of 2.2mm, suitable for 20 to 14 gauge needles.
The needle guide is angled
towards the long axis of the transducer (i.e. towards the mid-
axis of the scan image). The distance from the entrance to the needle guide and the first
puncture line dot on the scan image is
. The dots are 5 mm apart.
All parts of the puncture attachment can be autoclaved or disinfected by immersion in a
suitable solution.
It is essential for the patient’s safety that only the correct puncture attachment is used with
Type 8661. Never use unauthorized combinations of transducers and puncture attachments or
other manufacturers’ puncture attachments.
Содержание Type 8661
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