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3.2.15 802.11ac VHT80 Rx in 5G
./wlfmac down
./wlfmac rsdb_mode 0
./wlfmac mpc 0
./wlfmac phy_watchdog 0
./wlfmac country ALL
./wlfmac band a
./wlfmac chanspec 36/80
./wlfmac mimo_txbw -1
./wlfmac rxchain [X]
SISO Core 0: X=1; SISO Core 1: X=2
./wlfmac up
./wlfmac phy_forcecal 1
./wlfmac scansuppress 1
./wlfmac pkteng_start 00:90:4c:99:00:1d rx
./wlfmac reset_cnts
to reset counters to 0.
./wlfmac counters
read pktengrxducast, take this as counter #1.
# Litepoint >> generate a 11ac 80M waveform that contains X number of packets.
./wlfmac counters
Read pktengrxducast again, take this as counter #2.
PER% = { [ X - ( counter#2 - counter#1 ) ] / X } * 100%