Chapter 5 Running The Software Utilities
5.1.4 QSound
You can choose to activate the following QSound Effects by checking them:
QSound Environment Modeling
QEM is an environmental audio
rendering engine providing reverberation
and other special audio effects. It is
compatible with the EAX API
(Application Programming Interface)
provided to software developers by Creative
Labs, Inc
(see Appendix D - QEM for details).
Checking this box will add more realism to
EAX games.
Optimize For Subwoofers
By checking this box, you will filter
out the low frequency content from
the 3D processing. With closely-
spaced PC speakers (due to acoustic
cross talk) and in subwoofer systems,
3D processing can cause some loss of
low frequency content. Depending on
the audio content, this effect can be
very subtle.
Default Environment
Select your preferred default environment from the drop-down list.
(This option will only affect Non-EAX 3D sound games. EAX games will use
the environmental effects pre-programmed with the game)
SD Tradeoffs
Adjust the sliders to enhance the elevation effects within your DirectX games.
However, this will increase CPU loading and therefore is not recommended on
slower CPUs (166MHz MMX).