port GigabitEthernet 1/0/1—a router port—to Router A. Use the
display mld-snooping group
command and the
display mld group
command to display information about MLD snooping groups
and MLD multicast groups. For example:
# Display information about MLD snooping groups on Switch A.
[SwitchA] display mld-snooping group
Total 1 IP Group(s).
Total 1 IP Source(s).
Total 1 MAC Group(s).
Port flags: D-Dynamic port, S-Static port, C-Copy port
Subvlan flags: R-Real VLAN, C-Copy VLAN
Total 1 IP Group(s).
Total 1 IP Source(s).
Total 1 MAC Group(s).
Router port(s):total 1 port(s).
GE1/0/1 (D)
IP group(s):the following ip group(s) match to one mac group.
IP group address:FF1E::101
(::, FF1E::101):
Host port(s):total 2 port(s).
GE1/0/3 (D)
GE1/0/4 (D)
MAC group(s):
MAC group address:3333-0000-0101
Host port(s):total 2 port(s).
# Display information about MLD multicast groups on Router A.
[RouterA] display mld group
Total 1 MLD Group(s).
Interface group report information
Total 1 MLD Group reported
Group Address: FF1E::101
Last Reporter: FE80::2FF:FFFF:FE00:1
Uptime: 00:00:03
Expires: 00:04:17
When Host A leaves the IPv6 multicast group, it sends an MLD done message to Switch A.
Receiving the message, Switch A removes port GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 from the member port list of
the forwarding entry for the group; however, it does not remove the group or forward the done
message to Router A because Host B is still in the group. Use the
display mld-snooping group
command to display information about MLD snooping groups. For example:
# Display information about MLD snooping groups on Switch A.
[SwitchA] display mld-snooping group
Total 1 IP Group(s).
Total 1 IP Source(s).
Total 1 MAC Group(s).