KB351RT User Guide
2.3 Ssynchronization of the Receiver & Keyboard
The RF Wireless Keyboard is equipped with the newest RF radio technology
allowing for easy, auto-channel, synchronisation.
Place the keyboard and receiver dongle close to
each other when synchronizing. Ideally, within
30cm. But within 1m, is acceptable.
In contrast to conventional or older wireless
keyboards on the market, you will only need to
press the PAIRING key on the back side 1 time, in
order to start the synchronisation signal to the USB
Synchronisation can take up to 10 seconds and is
signalled by the flashing pairing LED (most left LED
on the front of the keyboard), which will turn off after
a successful pairing.
The keyboard receiver dongle is now synchronised.
Check functionality of the keyboard to confirm.
One benefit of this new radio technology is the provision of a large number of
possible independent radio channels (16 channels *2
Bit = 1.048.576
possible IDs). This will ensure a trouble-free and secured operation of several
wireless keyboards in one room, with a range of 10m.
In the unlikely event the keyboard does not work even after synchronization, you
can try the following options to resolve this problem:
If your USB receiver is attached to a USB hub, please install it directly
During synchronisation, the keyboard should be located close to the USB
receiver to ensure a successful paring. Also ensure that the immediate vicinity
is ideal for radio transmission. Avoid interferences due to metal surfaces or
other sources of magnetic / wireless interferences.
to the
USB connector of your notebook or desktop.
Ensure you are using new batteries. When in doubt, change the batteries as a
precaution, then resume resynchronisation.