totraumfrei & wartungslos
the valve ends from mechanical damage and the internals from
environmental influences (e. g. dust, dirt etc.). The protective
caps shall only be removed when the valve is to be installed. The
valves shall be stored indoors in order to protect them from de-
structive influences like dirt, moisture and frost. The valves shall
be transported in solid and stable packaging to the place of instal-
lation. Lifting accessories (ropes, belts) shall only be attached to
the valve bodies. Never use the levers, gear boxes or actuators to
lift the valves.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Valves which have been in
stalled in toxic or aggressive media applications
must be flushed and cleaned before returning
them to the supplier for repair or disposal. Media
may be located underneath the plug so the valve
must be disassembled, the plug removed and all
individual parts must be provided fully cleaned. A
certificate of non-objection and a material safety
data sheet must be attached to the shipping
documents and shall be included in the delivery.
5. Mounting Instruction and start-up
a) Mounting Instruction
Important Note: This does not apply for check valves, control
valves and sight glasses. These valves are marked with an arrow
indicating the flow direction. Valves which are
equipped with a plug with relief hole or a “T4”-
plug, a notch on the plug stem indicates the
orientation of the overpressure relief side.
Obey Flow direction
(Sight glasses a.s.o.)