Explaining the options:
1 [SCALE] LED green = ON, red/yellow/blue = OFF
t suitable for 3D flying and allowed only for helicopters which, due to their coll.pitch range (asym
metric), are not capable of inverted flight. Here, the Horizon channel works similarly in both direc
tions, no matter whether either a negative or positive signal is supplied, i.e. +50% = -50%.
The following modes provide the option for Rescue functions. These options are allowed only if the
model is set up with a symmetric coll.pitch range (e.g. -12° to +12°, center 0°).
2 [ACRO] LED green = ON, red/yellow/blue = OFF
e most recommended option for 3D flying with highest accuracy. The model will be self-leveled
to the closer horizontal attitude (normal or inverted).
For activation choose [ACRO] mode and apply a positive signal to the Horizon channel, i.e. signal
travel to the right according to the DIAGNOSE menu, and in between 10% to 100%. The higher the
gain value, the stronger the stabilization.
2b [ACRO+coll.pitch] LED flickering green = ON, red/yellow/blue /green = OFF
Similar to [ACRO] mode, but additionally coll.pitch will automatically be applied and set for climbing
(“escape into the sky”).
For activation choose [ACRO] mode and apply a negative signal of -100% (or higher) to the Hori
zon channel, i.e. signal travel to the left according to the DIAGNOSE menu
3 [UPRIGHT] LED green = ON, red/yellow/blue = OFF
Always levels the heli in upright attitude, even if initially fully inverted.
For activation choose [UPRIGHT] mode and apply a positive signal to the Horizon channel, i.e.
signal travel to the right according to the DIAGNOSE menu, and in between 10% to 100%. The
higher the gain value, the stronger the stabilization.
3b [coll.pitch] LED flickering green = ON, red/yellow/blue /green = OFF
Similar to [UPRIGHT] mode, and additionally coll.pitch will automatically be applied and set for
climbing (“escape into the sky”).
For activation choose [UPRIGHT] mode and apply a negative signal of -100% (or higher) to the
Horizon channel, i.e. signal travel to the left according to the DIAGNOSE menu.
Select the desired mode of operation using the ‘Horizon Options’.
‘Rescue Climb Rate’ defines the climb speed in Rescue modes. The higher this value, the more coll.pitch is applied for rescue (only
available for ‚Acro‘ and ‚Upright‘).