Getting Started – Ubuntu
2 System setup
2 System setup
This chapter provides instructions for installation and configuration of the applications required by the AVHS portal.
The process described below is for installation on
Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS
This installation was performed on a "clean" x86_64 machine, that is the installation was started by installing the Ubuntu operating
system, which is available from
2.1 Preparations
2.1.1 Prerequisites
To follow the instructions in this chapter, the following is required:
An installed Linux/Unix distribution. Here, Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS is used.
Access to the Internet, including proxy settings if required.
A correctly configured sources list for installing packages.
2.1.2 Commands
Most of the commands in this document should be run as root, although there are a few exceptions. The following conventions apply:
= run this as user
= run this as user
(or equivalent)
= shows output or comments
2.1.3 Create user sts (or equivalent) and the home directory
Create a user for the AVHS system:
# useradd sts -d /home/sts -m
# passwd sts
## Enter new UNIX password:
## Retype new UNIX password:
## passwd:
password updated successfully
2.2 Fetch required files
The AVHS portal installation files are available from the AVHS web page (log in from As the user
, place
the files in
. The file required for this installation is
The AVHS portal distribution.
2.3 Unpack the files
Unpack the AVHS portal installation file as user
(or equivalent):
# su - sts
% cd /home/sts/
% tar xzf avhs-3.0.0-ubuntu-trusty-x86_64.tar.gz
Create a symbolic link to the directory. This must be run as user