AXIS Q6032-E PTZ Dome Network Camera
Problems uploading
Limited space
There is only limited space available for the upload of your own
les. Delete existing
les to free
up space.
Motion Detection triggers unexpectedly
Changes in luminance
Motion detection is based on changes in luminance in the image. This means that if there are
sudden changes in the lighting, motion detection may trigger mistakenly. Lower the sensitivity
setting to avoid problems with luminance.
Storage and disk management problems
Video cannot be recorded
Check that the SD card is not write protected (that is, read only).
SD card cannot be mounted
Reformat the SD card and then click Mount.
Condensation in dome
Blurred image
Activate fan and heater to remove possible moisture from dome
Focus, zoom, and fan
Remote focus and zoom do
not work
In subzero temperatures, function in these hardware parts is suspended until the camera is heated
to approximately 0 °C (32 °F)
Fan cannot be activated
In subzero temperatures, function in this hardware part is suspended until the camera is heated to
approximately 0 °C (32 °F)