AXIS Camera Station Web
AXIS Camera Station User’s Manual
AXIS Camera Station Web
A normal web browser can be used on client workstations to view live video
feed, recordings and I/O status.
To enable
live view, a set of IP addresses and port numbers must be opened in
your firewall; there must be an open port for each camera and one port for
AXIS Camera Station.
Simply viewing recorded events/images does not require the above firewall
For external web access from a WAN, enter the
WAN IP address under
General | Server IP address.
For internal web access from a LAN, enter the
LAN IP address of the
dedicated PC under
General | Server IP address.
In Windows XP Professional, a maximum of
five users can access to the
web interface simultaneously. This limitation is not present in other
operating systems.
Both AXIS Camera Station and AXIS ThinWizard software use port 80 as
default. You must change the port on
one of these programs if you intend
to use them on the same network segment.
To be able to log into AXIS Camera Station from a web browser, the user
must be created in the Windows user database. See Granting a Domain
User Camera Access, on page 51.
When the web interface is installed on the server, web sharing is enabled.