Getting started
The View dropdown menu gives access to Settings (F5) and User data.
The Reader menu provides options for choosing which verifier is operational, reader
information,Scanning, decoding, and calibrating the reader (the verifier).
The Help menu provides access to the Axicon website, a check for software
updates, and information about the software.
The Command icons
Quit the application, or use Ctrl + Q
Load a saved barcode image, or use Ctrl +O
Save the current image and verification report, or use Ctrl + S
Start collecting barcode images in the field of view, or press one of the two
buttons on the verifier. (They both do the same thing, so use whichever one is
more convenient.)
Find and decode the barcodes seen in the field of view.
Edit the settings for the application, or use F5
Display and edit user-defined data for this scan.
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Axicon Auto ID Limited | 15000 series verifier user guide | June 2017