Searching by Phone Number
1. Press
(Phone book),
2. Enter all or part of the number you remember and
3. The phone displays the memory location and names
which contain your entry.
When there is no exact match, a closest match will be displayed.
4. Press
<Volume key>
) to search for the name you’re
looking for and press
to display the number.
5. Press
to dial the number displayed.
Copying phonebook entry
1. Search the entry you like to copy by pressing
<MENU>, <2> (Phonebook), <1> (Search).
2. Press <STORE> to confirm your search.
3. Select <4> (Copy) option.
4. Select “Copy One” to copy only one entry or select
“Copy All” to copy all the entries in the phonebook.
5. Press <STORE> to confirm.
6. Now you can find copy of SIM card entry in your phonebook.
NOTE: “Copy” function copies entries from selected book.
That is if “Select Book” option is set to SIM, then it will copy
form SIM to Phone, and vice versa.